Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can come from a number of different sources and can affect all people, regardless of age or gender. Sometimes, a patient with new hearing loss may experience symptoms such as a noise in their ear or a muffled quality to the hearing.
Some causes of hearing loss include:
- The aging process, called presbycusis
- A blocked ear due to ear wax, a foreign object, or infection
- Damage to the eardrum due to inserting rigid objects like Q-tips too far into the ear canal, exposure to loud noise, sudden pressure changes, or a middle ear infection (acute otitis media)
- Damage to the hearing nerve, sometimes after getting sick
An audiogram provides a wealth of information in determining the cause of hearing loss. Dr. Bublik and his team of providers are able to diagnose these results and appropriately restore your hearing. Call our office to make an appointment today!