Good Night, Sleep Well

Although snoring is the subject of many jokes, snoring is no laughing matter. Snoring, often associated with middle-aged overweight men, is more prevalent than you’d think. In fact, studies estimate that 45 percent of men and 30 percent of women snore on a regular basis. It can affect not only the snorer’s sleep, but also the sleep of a spouse and other family members sleeping nearby. It’s also important to keep in mind that snoring may be a sign of a more serious condition known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
OSA is characterized by multiple pauses in breathing greater than 10 seconds at a time caused by upper airway narrowing or collapse. This lowers the amount of oxygen in the blood and causes the heart to work harder. Because the snorer does not get a good rest, they may be sleepy during the day, which decreases their performance. If left untreated OSA can contribute to high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, workplace or motor vehicle accidents, and more.
Dr. Michael Bublik, a highly-trained, board-certified otolaryngologist in Glendale, Los Angeles, and Beverly Hills, California, has treated many patients with OSA. Dr. Bublik has been successful in helping his patients reduce or eliminate snoring and achieve a better quality of life. After a thorough evaluation of the patient, Dr. Bublik may recommend one of the following in-office procedures or minimally invasive procedures, depending on where the obstruction in the airway is coming from:
Septoplasty And Turbinate Reduction:
A minimally invasive, under one-hour procedure to correct any obstruction in the nasal cavity that can cause difficulty breathing. This procedure corrects a crooked septum that is obstructing the nasal breathing passage way and reduces the size of the turbinates which are too large to let air through. Patients go home the same day, never have any packing in their nose and have very minimal pain. Most can go back to work with minimal downtime. Septoplasty and Turbinate Reduction
Minimally Invasive Sinus Surgery To Remove Polyps:
Sometimes, polyps and sinus disease can cause nasal obstruction and lead to sleep apnea symptoms. If this is the case, then minimally invasive endoscopic sinus procedures, which can often be done in the office with new advances such as balloon sinuplasty, can help relieve the obstruction. Once again, patients have minimal downtime, minimal pain, NO NASAL PACKING, and can return to work as soon as the next day. Nasal Polyp Surgery
Injection Snoreplasty:
A nonsurgical treatment performed under local anesthesia in Dr. Bublik’s office involves the injection of a hardening agent into the upper palate of the mouth. After numbing the upper palate with a topical anesthetic, a small amount of the hardening agent is injected just under the skin on the top of the mouth in front of the uvula (upper palate), creating a small blister. Within a couple of days, the blister hardens, forms scar tissue, and pulls the floppy uvula forward to eliminate or reduce the palatal flutter that causes snoring. In some patients, the treatment needs to be repeated for optimum benefits.
Pillar Procedure:
The minimally invasive Pillar Procedure performed in Dr. Bublik’s office addresses the problem of sleep apnea by placing three small woven inserts into the soft palate to reduce vibration and provide support to the tissues. The inserts can’t be seen or felt by the patient, and do not affect speech or swallowing. The Pillar Procedure can offer relief from snoring, benefiting patients and their partners with better sleep and better disposition and energy in the daytime.
Also called radiofrequency tissue ablation, somnoplasty is an outpatient procedure performed under a local anesthetic in Dr. Bublik’s office. If the patient’s soft palate, the fleshier area at the back of the throat, is too relaxed and soft, it will vibrate as air passes through the patient’s airway, creating that buzzing, snoring sound. During a somnoplasty, Dr. Bublik uses a low-intensity radiofrequency signal to shrink soft palate tissue, causing a reduction or elimination of snoring.
It’s time for you to take action to address your snoring; get ready for the New Year by calling Dr. Michael Bublik’s office for a consultation. Dr. Bublik will take the time to listen to you, perform a thorough exam, and recommend the best course of action to improve the quality of your sleep and, consequently, a more energy-filled lifestyle.