8 Reasons Why You Should Consider Balloon Sinuplasty If You Suffer From Recurring Sinus Problems

Are you suffering with miserable symptoms such as sinus pain, headaches, sinus pressure, or chronic sinus infections? Have you been to doctors who prescribed medications that did not provide long-term relief? Has your quality of life and relationships been affected by the sinus pain and other annoying symptoms that prevent you from living the life you deserve? If so, you might be suffering from chronic sinusitis or rhinosinusitis and you owe it to yourself to seek a medical approach that will finally offer you the relief that you deserve to get you on track to living life to the fullest.

Dr. Michael Bublik, a widely-published and respected ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist with triple board certification in otolaryngology, allergy, and facial plastics, sees many patients in his busy private practice who suffered for years with recurring sinus problems. Until they met Dr. Bublik, these patients were unsuccessfully treated by various physicians with treatments and medications that did not offer long lasting relief. For these patients, Dr. Bublik recommends the Balloon Sinuplasty, a minimally invasive sinus surgery used to open up blocked sinuses

Dr. Bublik Lists The Top 8 Reasons For Considering Balloon Sinuplasty:

  1. It is a minimally invasive procedure performed in-office using local anesthesia. This option appeals to patients who want relief from sinusitis symptoms and would prefer to avoid the stress and hassle of a hospital operating room procedure.
  2. Multiple clinical studies have confirmed that Balloon Sinuplasty offers long-lasting relief from these symptoms by opening the sinus cavities, improving breathing and significantly reducing the likelihood of infection.
  3. Unlike Balloon Sinuplasty, the “old school” traditional sinus surgery involves removing tissue and bone, facial bruising, post-op packing with gauze, a lengthy recovery, and lots of discomfort and inconvenience.
  4. Balloon Sinuplasty is a safe and effective procedure that involves no cutting, no tissue removal and no packing with gauze. The in-office procedure typically lasts about an hour, and patients enjoy a speedy recovery time.
  5. In-office Balloon Sinuplasty procedure typically lasts about an hour, and patients enjoy a speedy recovery time.
  6. Most patients who choose to have Balloon Sinuplasty have significant improvements in quality of life. In a recent analysis of 45 separate studies conducted regarding quality of life improvements after surgery, all of those studies showed significant quality of life improvements in anywhere from 77% to 97% of patients enrolled in the studies.
  7. With in-office Balloon Sinuplasty, there is little to no “down time.” Most patients return to normal activity within 1-2 days after the procedure.
  8. With in-office Balloon Sinuplasty there are usually no external changes such as getting black and blue unless the patient is having cosmetic nasal work done at the same time.



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